Kancho Shokei Matsui’s New Year Address
“Meichi Gannen” New Year for Enlightenment
Happy New Year to all of you. This year is very important year for
the Kyokushinkaikan because we will hold our biggest event “The
10th World Karate Tournament“. At the beginning of important this
year, and for myself to be determined to reach our goals, I’d like to
detail our direction and purpose of our activities, for all Kyokushinkaikan members
to cooperate and take a unified step forward.
In the 7th year of the Showa era (1932), Mr. Konosuke Matsushita,
who was the founder of Panasonic and is a respected as a “God of Japanese
management”, made a statement to express Panasonic’s purpose and clear
directions and goals. He called the statement “Meichi Gannen”, or
Year Enlightenment, and he guided Panasonic into one of the best companies
in the world. I was impressed about this story, and name this year, our
“Meichi Gannen” to start my New Year Opening Address.
- The Kyokushinkaikan ideal:
Keep your head low (modesty), eyes high (ambition), mouth shut (serenity); base yourself on filial piety and benefit others.
- Organization purpose (resolution):
Through the wisdom of Budo Karate, the Kyokushinkaikan strives
to attain the goal of World Peace by developing all generations to contribute
to society.
- Kyokushinkaikan Members Vows:
Dojo Kun (Dojo Oath) - Seven Clauses
The Eleven Mottoes of Sosai Masutatsu Oyama
Organization Direction:
- Strive to be the strongest:
We, the Kyokushinkaikan, embodying the Kyokushin Spirit,
declare that we will be triumphant. We will strive to exemplify
the Strongest Karate with a Spirit of "Osu": respect, appreciation
and perseverance.
- Mutual Benefit between Society and our Organization:
We, the Kyokushinkaikan, strive to contribute to society as a Budo organization,
by developing good relations with our local community to achieve our mutual
We, the Kyokushinkaikan, strive to achieve our founder Sosai Masutatsu Oyama's ideal,
to "make Kyokushin eternal" by developing projects
that benefit society and transform our organization in ordertomove into
the future.
I’d like to explain each point in more detail:
- Organization purpose (resolution):
Through the wisdom of Budo Karate, the Kyokushinkaikan strives
to attain the goal of World Peace by developing all generations to contribute
to society.
Our organizational purpose has not changed since the time our organization
was founded till today. Kyokushinkaikan founder and master, Sosai Masutatsu Oyama stated,
“those who take care of their parents contribute to society, and those
who contribute to society are loyal to their nation.” This statement describes
the devotion you feel towards people very close to you, your respect, appreciation
and contribution to the local community where you live, and to the country
you belong. In other words, it describes the natural feeling of lobe toward
family, friends, and hometown. This philosophy leads to World Peace, surpassing
discrimination based on national borders, ethnicity, race, politics, religion,
and philosophy. Sosai Oyama taught us, “There can be no
proof without real fighting. Without proof there is no trust. Without trust
there is no respect”. Through this teaching, we try to help develop harmony
through the wisdom of Budo Karate, and to be recognized and respected
as a valuable organization to society.
1 Strive to be the strongest:
We, the Kyokushinkaikan, embodying the Kyokushin Spirit,
declare that we will be triumphant. We will strive to exemplify
the Strongest Karate with a Spirit of "Osu": respect, appreciation
and perseverance.
Sosai Oyama always said, “Kyokushin Karate’s principle
is to be resolved to win” and we, Kyokushinkaikan, have always strived
to uphold the Strongest Karate. Sosai preached that competitions
are very serious and should never be taken lightly. He instructed us to
win in competition even when the opponent is your brother or sister. At
the same time he stressed that we must be just and true: “Justice without
power is useless. Power without justice is violence.” Based on Kyokushin Spirit,
and the spirit of “Osu”, justice with social harmony is the method by
which we sustain ourselves as the Strongest Karate.
2 Mutual Benefit between Society and our Organization:
We, the Kyokushinkaikan, strive to contribute to society as a Budo organization,
by developing good relations with our local community to achieve our mutual
The origin of the Kyokushinkaina goes back to one local dojo.
We are now the Internationa Karate Organization Kyokushinkaikan consisting
of the thousand of local dojos. Our existence is possible because
of the individual members who come together at these many local dojos to
train their mind and body through Kyokushin and then go amongst
their communities and share their wisdom and experience.Budo techniques
have a meaning when you face your opponent. They allow us to study human
interactivity through karate. Our society exists by human interconnections
either in public or in private. Interaction between individuals, between
individuals and their community, and between communities and society, must
be encouraged so that everyone involved can benefit. I do not mean that
we should rely on one another to grow, but that we ought to take responsibility
for our individual roles in society so that everyone can benefit. Kyokushinkaikan tries
to make the most of our worldwide network to contribute to society through
camaraderie and mutual exchange.
3 Eternal Prosperity;
We, the Kyokushinkaikan, strive to achieve our founder Sosai Masutatsu Oyama’s
ideal, to "make Kyokushin eternal" by developing projects
that benefit society and transform our organization in ordertomove into
the future.
Kyokushin Karate proliferated worldwide in a short period of time
due to Sosai Masutatsu Oyama’s charisma and leadership
and the Kyokushinkaikan was formed. Our organization consists
of many people with many different personalities and values. Due to these
differences, troubles occasionally occur. The Kyokushinkaikan has
experienced many conflicts in the past, and we have tackled problems that
have risked our organization’s very existence. One benefit of these tribulations
is we are able to streamline our organization and our activities are revitalized
as a result. However, members’ departure after those disputes makes for
regrets amongst members. Ideally, we strive to revitalize our organization
with positive and proactive resolutions toward higher goals. To live we
must continue to move forward. TheKyokushinkaikan must be succeeded
from generation to generation. Since Sosai Oyama passed
away, we have been continuously active according to his will. It is our
primary duty to continue our master’s legend. The organization he created
with his blood, sweat & tears, with determination and wishes, must
be handed it over to the next generation with the confidence that we have
fulfilled his legacy. I’d like to explain how we will pass this organization
to the next generation.
In Budo society, the system of hierarchy is a virtue. Of course,
hierarchy is a very important aspect to maintain order and harmony, whether
in an organization or in society. Kancho’s position is the Chairman
of our organization Kyokushinkaikan, and this position comes with
responsibilities and duties. Whatever position you hold in life, it comes
with these two prerequisites. If someone uses his position simply to protect
the power of his position, rather than fulfill the duties and responsibilities
that are required of him, the organization loses balance and may stop functioning.
An organization is a living entity. It must continue to be adaptable and
to metabolize. In order to do so, each member of an organization should
fulfill the responsibility and duty assigned to him. When each member plays
their part, real trust evolves and the organization breathes life and is
unified and strong.
I’d like to stipulate that I, Kancho Shokei Matsui President
of the Kyokushinkaikan, have a responsibility to hand over this organization
to the next generation, and I do not own it, I succeeded the International
Karate Organization Kyokushinkaikan Sosai Oyama founded
and I believe my duty is think gravely how I will hand this organization
over to the next generation. On this occasion ofKyokushin’s “Meichi Gannen”.
Year of Enlightenment, I’d like to ask all members who are involved in
management of the Kyokuhsinkaikan to think seriously about how
our organization should be passed forward.
Sosai Oyama used say, “I want the Kyokushinkaikan to
survive and exist eternally even after my death.” I want all of us to
work hard to make Sosai’s creation, the Kyokushinkaikan,
prosper for the future by developing Budo Karate as a physical
education that contributes to society.
In conclusion… As I mentioned in the beginning, this year is
very important for us because we will hold The 10th World Open Karate
Tournament. Martial arts have enjoyed great popularity since 1990’s, however
its popularity started losing momentum. I believe we are entering into
an era where only well established organizations and events with worthy
philosophy will survive. In this period, our biggest event, “The World
Open Karate Tournament” will be tested in public, and will be the real
indication of our value in the future. Time is evolving with technological
advancement and digitalization; however,Kyokushin is based on an analog
method for members to develop their character, technique and condition
by training physically and spiritually. Sosai Oyama developed Kyokushin by
making the most of the contemporary technology of his day, such as magazines,
televisions and movies. I’d like to follow Sosai’s path and
utilize our modern technologies as much as possible in order for the people
involved inKyokushin to reap the benefit.
I’d like to mention an important thing to all of you today. The IKO Kyokushinkaikan has
a vast media library of past events and championships. As one of our responsibilities
and duties to promote theKyokushinkaikan, I’d like to provide our members,
as well as the general public, with access to those preserved libraries
through the digital medium by making the most of current technologies and
current communication trends. Some projects I plan release this project
this spring will include, digitizing “World Karate” magazine, and delivering Kyokushin content
to the world via social network services and smart phone applications.
I pledge to hear feedback and suggestion, and will try to implement as
best as possible those ideas that will bring the Kyokushinkaikan forward
in a positive and effective way.
In 1996, I declared that we would open our doors to other disciplines,
and as our initial move the following year, Francisco Filho entered
the professional arena “K-1”. Since then, we, the Kyokushinkaikan,
have supported our competitors who wished to compete in the professional
arena and other venues as much as possible, and we will continue to do
For a long time, there has been movement for Karate to be a recognized party in the Olympics Games. It will be great accomplishment if this movement comes true. We have constantly discussed this issue, however I believe it is necessary for us to further confer how we should be involved in this movement as an organization. One thing I can state very clearly today is that if Karate is entered into the Olympics as an official game, we will form an Olympic Game department and develop strong competitors with the goal of achieving Gold Medals, whatever the competition rules might be.
As far as the competition is serious, it does not matter whether the arena
is professional or amateur, the arena will be ours to pursue our possibilities,
and our goal will be to be the strongest. Kyokushin was originally
formed from the roots of the traditional Karate styles Sosai Oyama studied,
blended with essences of his experience with many martial arts methods
and his own understanding. In addition, all our senior members from various
karate styles who trained at Oyama Dojo have added in some way
to our foundation. Since then, all our experiences and information have
blended into our research. In the future, we will keep our integrity as
the Kyokushinkaikan; however we will be flexible to adjust to changes
of environment, and if necessary we are willing to change anything new
according to Sosai’ssaying “Kyokushin will never turn our back
to anything”. I firmly believe any experience we gain over time contributes
to our upbringing, benefits our development and deepens our wisdom. Another
plan I want to implement for the sake of our organization is to provide
a scholarship program to support members with superb talent whose potential
could help cultivate and strengthen the Kyokushinkaikan for the
Kyokushin consists of people who practice Budo. I not only expect
our members to advance in the martial arts field, but expect them to be
successful in all areas of life, such as politics, economy, entertainment
and culture. I believe it is essential for us to utilize our unique network
and to contribute to society as a whole by supporting our members, and
all people involved in Kyokushin, to accomplish their goals and achieve
happiness and prosperity.
I wish all the people who surround Kyokushin to further understand
our activities, and walk with me side by side.
I conclude my 2011 New Year address “Meichi Gannen” by clarifying
three points; what is our resolution, what is our goal and purpose, and
how shall we act to accomplish our goals.
Thank you very much, and Osu!