![]() ![]() Kampala Dojo-Uganda ![]() |
Kyokushin Terminology
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Japanese | English |
Tsuki | Punch (thrust) |
Uchi | Strike |
Uke | Block |
Keri or Geri | Kick |
Ashi | Foot or Leg |
Chusoku | Ball (middle) of the Foot |
Haisho | Backhand |
Haisoku | Instep of the Foot |
Haito | Inner Knife Hand |
Hiji | Elbow |
Hiza | Knee |
Kakato | Heel |
Koken | Wrist Top |
Kote | Forearm |
Nukite | Spear Hand |
Seiken | Fore fist (correct fist) |
Shotei | Palm Heel |
Shuto | Knife Hand |
Sokuto | Outside Edge of the Foot |
Sune | Shin |
Te | Hand |
Teisoku | Arch of the Foot |
Tettsui | Hammer Fist |
Uraken | Back fist |
Nerai, Kougekihoko | TARGETS & DIRECTIONS |
Ago | Chin or Jaw |
Atama | Head |
Chudan | Middle Level |
Ganmen | Face |
Gedan | Lower Level |
Hidari | Left |
Hizo | Spleen |
Jodan | Upper Level |
Kansetsu | Joint (of limb) |
Kinteki | Groin, Testicles |
Komekami | Temple |
Kubi | Neck |
Mae | Front, Forward |
Mawashi | Round, Circular |
Me | Eyes |
Migi | Right |
Nodo | Throat |
Oroshi | Descending |
Sakotsu | Collarbone |
Sayu | Left and Right |
Soto | Outside |
Tobi | Jumping |
Uchi | Inside |
Ura | Reverse, Backwards |
Ushiro | Back (direction) |
Yoko | Side (direction) |
Yoi | Ready |
Naore | Back |
Fudo Dachi | Immobile Stance |
Zenkutsu Dachi | Forward Leaning Stance |
Uchi Hachinoji Dachi | Inside Character "8" Stance |
Sanchin Dachi | Three Point Stance |
Kokutsu Dachi | Back Leaning Stance |
Musubi Dachi | Open Foot (connected) Stance |
Kiba Dachi | Horseback Stance |
Neko Ashi Dachi | Cat Stance |
Tsuru Ashi Dachi | Crane Stance |
Heisoku Dachi | Closed Foot Stance |
Soto Hachinoji Dachi | Outside Character "8" Stance |
Shiko Dachi | Sumo Stance |
Kumite Dachi | Fighting Stance |
Han Mi | Half Body Stance |
Migi Ashi Mae | Right Foot Forward |
Hidari Ashi Mae | Left Foot Forward |
Seiken | Forefist |
Oi Duki | Lunge Punch |
Morote Duki | Two-Handed Punch |
Gyaku Duki | Reverse Punch |
Jun Duki | Side (corresponding) Punch |
Shita Duki | Lower Punch |
Ago Uchi | Chin / Jaw Strike |
Furi Uchi | Hook Strike |
Tettsui | Hammer Fist |
Hizo Uchi | Spleen Strike |
Ganmen Uchi | Face Strike |
Sayu Uchi | Left and Right Strike |
Mawashi Uchi | Roundhouse Strike |
Shotei Uchi | Palm Heel Strike |
Shuto | Knife Hand |
Sakotsu Uchi | Collarbone Strike |
Sakotsu Uchikomi | Collarbone Driving Strike |
Uchi Uchi | Inside Strike |
Hiji Uchi | Elbow Strike |
Jodan Uke | Upper Block |
Gedan Barai | Lower Parry |
Chudan Uchi Uke | Middle Area Inside Block |
Chudan Soto Uke | Middle Area Outside Block |
Morote Uke | Two-Handed Inside Block |
Shuto Uke | Knife Hand Block |
Juji Uke | Crossed Block |
Mawashi Uke | Circular Block |
Hiza Geri | Knee Kick |
Kinteki Geri | Groin Kick |
Mae Geri | Front Kick |
Mae Keage | Front Rising Kick |
Soto Mawashi Geri | Outside Crescent Kick |
Uchi Mawashi Geri | Inside Crescent Kick |
Yoko Keage | Side Rising Kick |
Mawashi Geri | Roundhouse Kick |
Kansetsu Geri | Joint Kick |
Yoko Geri | Side Kick |
Ushiro Geri | Back Kick |
Tobi Geri | Jumping Kick |
Ashi o Kuzusu | Cross-legged |
Arigato Gozaimasu | Thank You (Polite) |
Budo | Martial Way |
Bunkai | Application (analysis) |
Dan | Grade (Black Belt) |
Dojo | Grade (Black Belt) |
Dojo Kun | Training Hall Oath |
Dogi (Gi) | Karate Uniform (Way clothes) |
Hajime | Begin/Start |
Ibuki | Forced Tension Breathing |
Jissen Kumite | Full-Contact Fighting |
Jiyu Kumite | Free Fighting |
Kamaete | Take Ready Position |
Karate | Empty Hand |
Kata | Form/Pattern |
Ki | Inner Energy |
Kiai | Explosive Scream/Irate With Explosive Energy |
Kihon | Basics |
Kihon Waza | Basic Techniques |
Kohai | Junior Student |
Kosa | Switch (i.e. switch stance L to R or R to L) |
Kotai | Switch (i.e. partners switch places in a drill) |
Kumite | Fight |
Kyokushin | Ultimate Truth |
Kyu | Rank (below Black Belt) |
Maai | Interval (between opponents) |
Mawatte | Turn |
Meditation (silent thought) | Meditation (silent thought) |
Mugorei | No Counting (no commands) |
Mushin | Without Thought (no mind) |
Naore | Return to Starting Position |
Nogare no Kokyu | Calm Controlled Breathing |
Obi | Belt (sash) |
Onegaishimasu | Please (polite) |
Osu | Patience and Determination |
Otagai | Each Other |
Rei (...ni Rei) | Bow (Bow to...) |
Seishin | Spirit |
Seiza | Formal Kneeling (correct sitting) |
Senpai | Senior |
Sensei | Teacher |
Shomen | Front (correct face) of the Dojo |
Shihan | Expert |
Sosai | President |
Tameshiwari | Breaking Test |
Tanden | Center of Body (below navel) |
Waza | Technique(s) |
Yame | Stop |
Yasume | Rest, at Ease |
Yoi | Ready |
Yudansha | Black Belt Holder |
Zanshin | Remain Alert (remaining mind) |
Aka | Red |
Awase Ippon | Adds Up to One Point |
Chui | Warning |
Encho | Overtime Round (extension) |
Fukushin | Corner Judge (assistant referee) |
Genten | Penalty |
Hantei | Decision |
Hikiwake | Draw, Tie |
Ippon | One Point |
Shikkaku | Disqualification |
Shiro | White |
Shushin | Referee |
Waza Ari | Half Point (has a technique) |
Zokko | Resume Fighting |
Ichi | One |
Ni | Two |
San | Three |
Shi, Yon | Four |
Go | Five |
Roku | Six |
Shichi, Nana | Seven |
Hachi | Eight |
Ku, Kyu | Nine |
Ju | Ten |
San Ju | Thirty |
Hyaku | Hundred |
Sen | Thousand |
Man | Ten Thousand |