Kampala Dojo-Uganda

Essential Karate 

Fundamental of Karate

1. Seiken (Normal Fist)
This is the strongest and the most effective of the fist positions. Seiken is used when performing Jodan-duki (upper body thrust), the attack position for the chest and the stomach; and Gedan-duki (lower body thrust), for attacking the lower abdomen and groin. This fist can be used in defense as well as in attack.
  As shown in the first four photos, starting with the little finger, bend all four fingers so that their tips are digging tightly into the hand as close to their bases as possible. Bend the thumb over the second joints of the first two fingers to further tighten the fist. When thrusting with the Seiken, you should strike the object directly with the knuckles of the first two fingers. In this position, if you strike an object with any of other finger joints, you will most probably injure your hand. A punch with the fist in the Seiken position should be thrust straight out from the shoulder. In the correct starting position, you should hold the fist with the palm facing up, touching your side on a level with your chest. Then, simultaneously, as you thrust forward, turn the fist inward so that at the point of attack the object will be struck by the knuckles of the first two fingers (in the final position, the palm should now be facing down). It is of utmost importance that at this point the arm and the back of the hand are held rigidly in a straight line, and that the object is being struck foremost by the Seiken position is recommended for practice-sparring in order to avoid serious injuries while at the same time expressing great power.

A. Seiken - chudan - duki (middle body thrust with normal fist)

Starting with the fist in the normal position (the first is held with the palm up, against the side and on a level with the chest), thrust forward in a straight line. At the point of striking the target, all the forward momentum should be transferred into the fist which is now held with the palm down. If there is any bend in the arm at this point, the transfer of power to the fist is inefficient. Further, it is probable that a wrist injury will result. It is obvious therefore, that you must time your punch so that it strikes the target a fraction of a second before the arm has reached its full extension in order for all its power to be spent on the target.
B. Seiken - Jodan - duki (upper body thrust using normal fist)

The procedure for this is basically the same as that for Seiken-chudan-duki ; however, you aim your punch at the facial area.
C. Seiken - ago - uchi (strike to the jaw with the normal fist)

For this punch, the striking hand is held at shoulder level and close to the body and the wrist is partially turned forward (unlike the previous techniques which have all begun with the hand in the basic position). The power for this punch is created by the sharp pulling back of the other arm simultaneous with the forward thrust. Unlike the previously described punches, this one should be pulled back immediately after striking the object.
D. Shita - duki (body upper punch)

This punch is the exact opposite of the Seiken - chudan - duki in that although the primary positioning and forward thrust are the same, you strike with the fist palm up. It is particularly useful when you are grabbed suddenly by an opponent. Assume a low straddle stance as shown.

Copy right(C) 2008 IKO KYOKUSHIN UGANDA All rights reserved.