Essential Karate 
- Fundamental of Karate
- The Leg as a Weapon
- Sokuto (foot sword)
- Chusoku (bsll of the foot)
- Haisoku (instep)
- Teisoku (arch)
- Kakato (heel)
- Hiza - geri (knee kick)
- Preliminary Exercise
- Wrist exercise
- Exercise for the Achilles tendon
- Knee exercise
- Heel and ankle exercise
- Toe exercise
- Hip exercise
- Side exercise for roundhouse block
- Back exercise for roundhouse block
- Push - ups
- Leg - stretching cxercise
- Neck exercise
- Back streching exercise
- Knee - bend exercise
- Flexibility exercise for the legs
- Figer exercise
- Chest - to - feet exercise
- Shotei - zuke (hip exercise)
- Stances
- Heisoku - tachi (blocked foot stance)
- Musubi - tachi (open foot stance)
- Heiko - tachi (parallel foot stance)
- Zenkutsu - tachi (forward stance)
- Kokutsu - tachi (back stance)
- Fudo - tachi (ready stance)
- Shiko - tachi (Sumo stance)
- Kiba - tachi (horse stance)
- Sanchin - tachi (fighting stance)
- Tsuru - ashi - tachi
- Uchi - hachiji - tachi (inner figure 8 stance)
- Soto - hachiji - tachi (outer figure 8 satance)
- Kake - ashi - tachi (hooked foot stance)
- Futa - achi - tachi (two - legged stance)
- Neko - ashi - tachi (cat stance)
- Shumoku - tachi or Toboku - tachi (T - shaped stance)
- Uke (Defense)
- Defense against hand attacks
- Defense againset leg attacks
- Applying blocking techniques
- Applications of Fundamental Techniques
- Oi - zuki (Lunge Punch)
- Chudan - oi - zuki (middle body lunge punch)
- Turn after Chudan - oi - zuki (middle body lunge punch)
- Chudan - gyaku - zuki (middle body lunge punch from the reverse position)
- Jodan - oi - gyaku - zuki (upper body lunge punch from the reverse position)
- Chudan - soto - uke (middle body block from the outside)
- Chudan - gyaku - soto - uke (middle body block from the outside from the
reverse position)
- Jodan - uke (upper body block)
- Jodan - gyaku - uke (upper body block from the reverse position)
- Zenkutsu - hiji - age - uchi (forward elbow upper thrust)
- Zenkutsu - gyaku - hiji - age - uchi (forward elbow upper thrust from the
reverse position)
- Hiji - soto - uchi (elbow thrust from the outside)
- Hiji - gyaku - soto - uchi (elbow thrust from the outside from the reverse
- Sanchin - zuki (figanting blow)
- Sanchin - gyaku - zuki (fighting blow from the reverse position)
- Turn after Sanchin - zuki (fighting blow)
- Shuto - uke (hand sword block)
- Turn after Shuto - uke (hand sword block)
- Shotei - uke (palm heel block)
- Shotei - gyaku - uke (palm heel block from the reverse position)
- Haito - uke (reverse hand sword block)
- Koken - uke (arc fist block)
- Kaiten - jun - zuki (turn and thrust)
- Oi - geri (Lunge Kick)
- Oi - mae - geri (front lunge kick)
- Oi - mae - keage (front lunge upper kick)
- Oi - yoko - keage (side lunge upper kick)
- Oi - mawashi - geri (roundhouse lunge kick)
- Oi - sokuto (lunge foot sword)
- Breathing
- Ibuki
- Front breathing
- Back breathing
- Mawashi - uke (Roundhouse Block)
- Migi - mawashi - uke (right roundhouse block)
- Hidari - mawashi - uke (left roundhouse block)
- Enkei - gyaku - zuki (Reverse Thrust in a Circular Motion)
- Hidari - enkei - gyaku - zuki (left reverse thrust in a circular motion)
- Migi - enkei - gyaku - zuki (right reverse thrust in a circular motion)
- Shuto - uke (Hand sword block)
- Migi - shuto - uke (right hand sword block)
- Hidari - shuto - uke (left hand sword block)
- Kata
- Kumite (Sparring)
- Preparatory Techniques for Jiyu - kumite (Free Sparring)
- Preparatory stance using Morote (both hands)
- Preparatory stance using Enshin (centre of the circle or pinwheel)
- Preparatory stance using Ryuhen (moving dragon stance)
- Preparatory stance using Maeba (front part of the wing)
- Preparatory stance using Birin (tail of dragon stance)
- Ma - ai (Time and Space Relationship)
- So - ou - ma - ai (one step)
- Yudo - ma - ai (one and a half steps)
- Gendo - ma - ai (two steps)
- Sanbon - kumite (Three Form Sparring)
- Sanbon - kumite using only the arms and hands
- Sanbon - kumite using legs as attacking weapons
- Ippon - kumite (One Form Sparring)
- Jiyu - kumite (Free Sparring)
- Tameshiwari
- The Dynamics of Tameshiwari
- Materials used
- Body contact areas
- Power and striking angle
- Speed
- Methods
- Practicing Tameshiwari
- Tameshiwari using wood boards
- Tameshiwari using tiles
- Tameshiwari using biricks
- Tameshiwari using stones
- Tameshiwari using cinder blocks
- Special Applications of Karate Techniques
- Everyday Techniques for self - defense
- While shaking hands
- While walking
- While sitting
- Self - defense techniques for a woman walking
- Self - defense techniques using umbrellas
- Knife vs. Karate
- Practicing everyda self - defense techniques wearing Gi (taraditional karate
- Fitness Exercises
- Importance of a proper diet
- Daily physical and mental health care
- Basic exercises
- Exercises using chairs
- Exercises using a towel
- Special Training Exercises
- Exercises using Makiwara (Karate striking boad)
- Exercises using sand bag.
- Exercises using mitts.
- Booshi - geri (kicking off a hat) and Tobacco - geri
- Exercises using the Shishaku - bo (1.2 - mtere - long = 4 - feet long rod)
- Exercises using barbells
- Exercises using Sashi (stone weights)
- Exercises using Tetsugeta (iron sandals)
- The bridge
- Exersises for the handstand
- The mysterious and amazing body
- Tumbling
- The New Karate : Modernizing Shiai (Competition Karate)

Copy right(C) 2008 IKO KYOKUSHIN UGANDA All rights reserved.